Omdömen totalt
Tilo Ullmer
Here you can see , how different the service can be. We‘ve had a doctors visit( Hanna) in our stable to get one of our horses x-rayed.
Hanna made a very competent impression, everything was handled very profesionnally . It really depends on the persons involved
Nanna Aaby Thrane
Tilo Ullmer
One of our horses receiced a Stammcellsbehandling and now after 3 days the horse cannot walk anymore.
In this condition he is not loadable and the only answer from the doctor in Slöinge was, we cannot come to you( 10 min away). This is, what I call aftersalesservice.
By the way, this treatment was quite expensive.
Business first , pay and go.
Thank you for your non-help.
Tummelisa Li
Varning för känsligt inlägg.
Våran första semestervecka så hände det mest traumatiska vi någonsin upplevt.
Våra lilla lilla fantastiska Hugo drabbades av anfall mitt i natten. Skräcken var total! Mitt i allt trauma försökte vi förgäves att få tag på en veterinär och tidigt på morgonen fick vi tag på slöinge som utan att tveka bad oss komma in OMGÅENDE.
Vi hade inte en tanke på att åka hem utan våran Hugo.
Så blev det tyvärr.
Hugo hann fylla hela 16 år, med sitt lilla blåsljud på hjärtat levde han dock ett långt och väldigt lyckligt liv fyllt med aktiviteter och dagar fyllda av kärlek och mys.
Ända fram till hans bortgång var han fortfarande pigg, lite valpig och obeskrivligt bortskämd men väldigt snäll.
Vad jag vill hylla i denna recension är dock kvinnan, veterinären som tog hand om Hugo och OSS.
Jag hamnade i nåt slags chocktillstånd och ville inte släppa taget.
Jag minns inte ditt namn men!
Vad du var fantastisk i våran stora sorg, du var lugn, sansad, förklarade allt, gav oss råd vid hans bortgång för mitt i paniken så tappade vi bort hur man egentligen gör? Vi fick sitta vid Hugos sida och prata med honom hans sista stund, det har verkligen hjälpt oss båda i våran sorg att just du var du!
För oss var Hugo vårat lilla barn, våran pälsbebis och han är för alltid saknad, älskad och vi sörjer fortfarande.
Men vem du än var som var veterinär då, Tack! Tack från oss. Tack för att du är rätt människa på rätt plats.
Matina Li och Mattias Johansson.
Daniel Detdu
Hannah Fridholm
Niklas Paulsson
Excellent care,.much more responsive and almost zero waiting times compared to the public care available for us humans in this part of the world.
The "nurses" / handlers or whatever the correct term is for the ladies that fed, walked and took care of the post surgery wound for my dog for a few days were truly marvelous.
Despite the very strange environment and all the stress that followed from a painful medical condition and some non-trivial surgery I could clearly see that my dog felt very comfortable and fully at ease while he stayed there.
What's the bad part then - they have fallen for the truly unscientific "medicinal food" with different versions that is supposed to help with more or less every imaginable medical condition. Of course the food is only available for sale at a vet, and at a price that would put even the most uninhibited salesman of proprietary enterprise resource planning software at shame.
And claimed scientific evidence that is supposed to justify the cost would make even the most suspicious studies used for fda approval of human medicine seem like a bastion of intellectual honesty.
But it's brilliant, as it's only food they have circumvented almost all regulations - it's enough that it's not harmful. And by using a tight grip on the resellers from the manufacturer, veterinarians can keep their de-facto monopoly.
And what loving pet owner would dare to gamble when the health of their loved family member on the table and on their own question the authority of the veterinarian in front of them, wearing a white coat and using a very specialized language more or less designed to confuse the layman.
The expensive medicinal food only sold at the vet can't be described as anything else but a very unethical scam and any veterinarian with a shred of intellectual honesty and a back spine should flat out refuse to take part.
Which they sadly don't do at this place, which is a pity as they have earned my respect as skilled and professional in pretty much all others areas.
Mr G
Expensive but who else di you turn to when your dog is sick outside normal hours.