Snittbetyget från samtliga sidor
Elizabet Uggla
Motornova krockade min bil vid provkörning när den var inlämnad på service för ca 2 år sedan. De åsamkade bilen stor skada vid körning på motorväg i hög hastighet med krasch mot betongfundament.
Det tog 2 månader att reparera bilen, och inte ens en ursäkt för den skada de åsamkat mig som bilägare eller en kompensation för sveda och värk t ex en fri service. Givetvis en lånebil men det kan ej räknas som kompensation.
De har även under hela processen haft en nonchalant attityd och varit svåra att kommunicera med.
Jag rekommenderar inte Motornova, det är ett företag som inte bryr sig om kunden.
hadi X47
Åke Lööf
Eng.ibrahim Badawi
Benny Näsström
Andrii Fabrykant
Well, I understand that Mercedes is premium class brand, e.g. "not for everyone". And that's true. Seems like the salespersons, decided not to sell their cars to me. I was interested in a couple models and had a a few questions about leasing. The guy promised to get the details and call me. No call during a week. Went again, asked another guy to calculate leasing option and check if bank provide me a leasing. In a week I got the letter about the request for credit score check with some positive risk forecast, but still no call from Mercedes. So next time I crossed the road and took Subaru. Thank you for such a great quality of service.
UPDATE: After 5 years since my last visit, the world has changed dramatically. But possibly the only thing remains unbelievably stable is how Motornova treating their visitors - it feels like I came back to the Soviet Union.
Apart of that, maybe people buying your car just because it is MB without being able to test it out, but I suppose that a bit overpriced car should have some more time for evaluation than 1 hour at least to prove its value. Maybe I'm wrong, and it is so good that everyone buy it blind. Don't know.
Pär Hellström